Merchandising / グッツの通販のお知らせ

here is Lina’s merchandise goods. Message me if you want. Keychain, sticker and towel.
ショップ様、ウクレレ、フラ各お教室様へも まとめて注文を承ります。5点以上のご注文で送料無料とさせていただきます。 出来るだけ送料はこちらで持ちますので5点以下のご注文は普通郵便でご送付させていただきます。ご注文ご希望の方は LinaLinaのSNSへご連絡いただくか、 Contact まで ご連絡ください。弊社の口座にお振込確認後すぐ発送致します。
We accept orders for shops, ukulele schools, and hula schools too.Free shipping on orders of 5 or more. we have the shipping cost as much as possible, this order with 5 points or less will be sent by ordinary mail. (only Japan. let me know if you are living in overseas)
If you would like to place an order, please contact LinaLina’s SNS or send to Contact. We will send it out to our account after confirming the transfer.
❶ Perfect LeLeLe set (towel , key ring , 3 sticker) ⇨ 1900yen
❷ Perfect LinaLina set (towel , key ring , 3 sticker) ⇨ 1600yen
❸ key ring LeLeLe set (key ring , 3sticker) ⇨ 1500yen
❹ key ring LinaLina set (key ring , 3sticker) ⇨ 1200yen